Accessibility Statement

Delek group places significant emphasis on providing accessible services to people with disabili8es while maintaining their dignity and upholding their privacy, trea8ng them courteously and with respect, and enabling them to obtain services independently, safely and equitably, pursuant to the Equal Rights of People with Disabili8es Law 1998 and Equal Rights of People with Disabili8es (Service Accessibility Adjustments) Regula8on 2013 (hereinaLer: the “Provisions of the Law”). For this purpose, we invest significant efforts and resources in making the necessary accessibility adjustments so as to enable a person with disabili8es to obtain – independently and equitably – the services provided to all customers. Following is detailed informa8on about access arrangements at Delek Group

Access at the Company’s Herzliya offices:

  • Access arrangements and accessways to the building and Company’s offices – the building is accessible. Both regular and disabled access entrance to the building and Company offices is available from Aba Even Street. Car access for persons with disabili8es is available – free of charge – through the parking facility on Naomi Shemer Street, subject to making prior arrangements.

  • Access to the Company’s offices – the Company’s offices are accessible.

  • Accessible parking for a vehicle belonging to a person with a disabled parking permit will be

    possible aLer prior coordina8on with the Delek Group recep8on – 09-8638744.

  • Elevators – The surface outside and inside the elevators is adapted to persons in wheelchairs.

  • Accessible toilets are available at the building’s lobby and 2nd floor.

    Alterna8ve means of contac8ng the Company

  • By email – To receive a response, please leave your contact informa8on.

  • It is possible to schedule an appointment at the Company’s offices.

    Informa8on about the website’s accessibility
    Delek Group believes in and acts for equal access to informa8on and func8onality on the web for people with various disabili8es and people assisted by assis8ve technologies for computer use. Thus, Delek Group enables customers with disabili8es to receive informa8on provided by the company through accessible formats. This website complies with the requirements of the Equal Opportuni8es for People with Disabili8es Regula8ons (Service Accessibility Adjustments), 5773-2013.

The accessibility adjustments were made in accordance with the recommenda8ons of Israeli Standard IS 5568 for web content accessibility at AA level and the interna8onal WCAG2.0 document.

The adjustments were made to the highest compa8bility with the browsers Chrome, Firefox and Explorer 9 and up, as well as cellular telephone use.

The website provides a seman8c structure for assis8ve technologies and support for the standard use pahern for opera8on by keyboard using the arrows, Enter and Esc keys to exit menus and windows.

For an op8mal browsing experience with a screen reading soLware, we recommend using the most up- to-date NVDA soLware

We con8nue our efforts to improve the website’s accessibility, as far as possible, out of our moral commitment to the belief that all members of society – including people with disabili8es – should be able to use it.

If you encounter an accessibility issue while browsing the website, we will be happy to receive your feedback by e-mail or by phone 09-8638744